Monday 24 January 2011

catchin' some zzzs

Newest thought: Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but I'd bet my ass everyone can find and push the Snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time every time...

Could not be any more true. Especially in my life. I am the queen of naps and I pride myself on being able to sleep just about anywhere, in any position. Plane, train, automobile, you name it. I also tend to sleep with my eyes a little bit open (just the freak out the roomies) and my mouth wiiiide open (just to annoy them with my mouth breathing). Hey, its not my fault. I have a deviated septum and have broken my nose on more than one occasion (it slants to the left side) so i can't breathe through only my nose. Hence, the fabulous mouth breathing.

Anyway, I've recently discovered that I hit the snooze about 1 second before it goes off. Am I psychic? Or psychotic? I looove sleeping and am very rude and cranky in the morning. Anything for those few extra minutes. I've even tried keeping my alarm away from my bed, forcing me to actually get up and walk across the room to turn it off. Fast forward: doesn't work. I taught myself how to sleep through it and again, annoyed the roomies.

I've always been this way. As long as I can remember, my older siblings would try to wake me up with promises of Saturday morning cartoons and coco puffs, but I honestly didn't care about "The Ashleys" on Recess or the family that adopted 47 children on One World (if you don't understand those references, please leave my blog immediately). I was probably late to school every day of my entire life and I never lived more than a few blocks away. On weekdays, my mom would wake me up and then leave my room to make breakfast or something else, equally as wonderful (my mom's great) and I would jump back into bed and fall back asleep. 30 minutes later, when I should have been completely dressed and ready to go, I would hear her call my name from the bottom of the staircase and ask if I was up. I would give a yell back down, "yeaaa." I thought a few more minutes couldn't hurt so my head hit the pillow once more. Then, the party was over. I would hear my mom's footsteps coming up the stairs and I knew my cover would be blow if I didn't hop out of bed as quickly as possible and run to the bathroom pretending to get ready. She couldn't see me still in my JAMMIES!!

It hasn't been until lately (because I never had an 8am my entire college career (personal accomplishment, if I do say so myself) and my 9ams just weren't that important) that I realize what an issue this is. Wakin' up is hard to do. This ain't my mom's house, this is as real as it gets. I'm going to have a real career. That means a job that I go to everyday, probably at the same time! Hard to imagine, I know, but focus with me here. How am I supposed to make myself get out of bed everyday when it is so warm under the covers but it is -7 degrees outside? That just isn't fair. Life's not fair. Not sure where I'm going with this, but here's my point (I think): I'm really good at hitting the snooze.

More list stuff later.

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