Monday 26 December 2011

acting like a grown-up...

is hard. I make a list of things I need to do for the day and nothing ever gets done. Everyday it gets longer because I have to add the things from the day before that I didn't do. Sometimes I put things on my list that I've already done, just because I like the way it feels to cross it off.

"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will an excuse."

This is very true, but I've decided to light a fire under my ass and get shit done. Not just the everyday errands and chores, but to get my life together and stop being such an idiot. Its been over a year since I graduated from college and it sucks to not have anything to show for it. Lots of my friends have their life together and are actually living their dreams. I'm living in my parents house, working in a bar, for somebody I can't stand. I"m not asking for a pity party. I know I'm the only reason this is my life, but I wish some people could understand that I do try.

On another note, I got approved for a credit card today. This could be awesome or terrible. What moron thought it would be a good idea for ME to have a credit card? We'll see how this one goes...