Sunday 23 January 2011

sure, i'd love to.

I've stumbled upon some hysterical lists on random thoughts that are so relevant. I first read some months ago while reading a sorority sister's blog and kept the list on a sticky note on my desktop. I remember cracking up at every thought, thinking about how relevant they were to my life. Since then, I've read them every so often and find longer, better, funnier (I'm making it a word) versions, so I'm going to post one every once and a while when they pertain to me. I haven't written any of my own (though i'm pretty sure I've thought them once or twice) and take no credit for the absolute genius of them.

My last post stated one of the thoughts: there is a great need for a sarcasm font.
This couldn't be more true. I can't tell you how many times I've texted/IMed/Facebook chatted something sarcastic and ended up hurting someone's feelings because they didn't understand the joke or my tone. So annoying! Not to mention the times I've tried to read into a text from boyfriend to see if "sure, i'd love to" means "suuuure I'd love to" (with an added eye roll) or "SURE! i'd love to". Talk about unnecessary confusion.

So, I'm calling all font designers: figure this one out for me! You'd be doing the future a favor because we all know that technology isn't going anywhere and people have to put on their big girl panties just to make an actual phone call!

Ahhh I have to work at 8am. I need to hit the hay.

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