Thursday 30 September 2010

the future freaks me out.

Today, I had a revelation. A mere 77 days until I matriculate and get that magic piece of paper I’ve spent so much money on. Really though, is it going to help me get a job?

For those of you who don’t know, (I pretend that I have a million followers) I want to be in the advertising world and write funny, original, eye-catching copy. I loved my PR job in London and definitely wouldn’t mind doing it for a living, but I really enjoy making ads. I love the final advertising class I’m taking because my professor is a real person who has experience in the ad world. He tells me when my work is shitty and lacks focus. It isn’t awesome to hear, but I figure a future employer will be much harsher.

Today we had a discussion about the annoying upper level humanity credits the school makes us take in order to be “well-rounded”. I find it absolutely ridiculous that I’m taking a 4000 level political science course about the American South. I’m a senior in college and I’ve narrowed down my career path as much as I can. Why am I learning things that will have nothing to do with the rest of my life? I know it sounds so cliché, but honestly, it doesn’t matter to me that Adams and Jefferson both died on the 4th of July, not unless I’m doing a campaign about fireworks- which I’ve been thinking about and it would be excellent.

The best part of the class is that I figured out I’m not a freak! The random facts and weird stuff that goes through me head has rhyme and reason to it. I’ve come to find that these otherwise useless details help me to come up with headlines and body, or lack there of.

Speaking of the annoying class I have to take, I’ve been thinking and I really want to take another Photoshop class, however, there just isn’t room in my schedule. I feel a little behind in my art direction and design skills. I’m looking into taking a class at a community college or something like that. Obviously, I have basic skills and can do more than my mother, but I want to be awesome and have people be jealous of me.

Once I get more pieces and campaigns book-ready, I’ll put them up here and you can finally see what all this money is going towards (mom). Hopefully future employers will look and say, “hey, this girl is utterly perfect and needs to be on our team. Lets give her a job!”

Looking forward to it!
Until then, Cheers!

Tuesday 7 September 2010

back in black.

So, that whole "I'll blog while I'm abroad" thing didn't work out as I would have liked.

Here is my current situation. 21 years young, entering my last semester at college. Still pretty upset about leaving the party at 10:30 instead of midnight, but wouldn't I have given up my traveling/ classes this summer for anything in the world.

My experiences in London and throughout Europe can never be trumped or re-created. Everyone asks me how I enjoyed myself there and I usually sound like a complete moron because all I can ever come up with is, " awesome". While my time there was indeed, awesome, I need to be prepared with a better answer. The problem is, I have no words to describe London or anywhere else I visited.

Today I sat in on a FIG (freshman interest group) class to talk about my studying abroad and obviously, I recommended it. I got pretty sentimental because a fellow Londoner/ flatmate/ Juliana was there too. Trying to describe our amazing summer was near impossible. I looked to her to finish my thoughts because I couldn't explain. We ended up staring at each other on a few occasions, thinking of the same story, too inappropriate to tell a group of youngsters. Hopefully we convinced some kids to go.

My new use for this blog is a.) to live in the 21st century b.) to keep people updated on my job hunting so I stay motivated and actually, you know, get a job when I graduate. (I will settle for a paid internship with a possibility of being hired at the end) Only 4 people follow my blog, so I'm not sure how a or b will pan out. We shall see!