Monday 24 January 2011

catchin' some zzzs

Newest thought: Even under ideal conditions people have trouble locating their car keys in a pocket, and Pinning the Tail on the Donkey - but I'd bet my ass everyone can find and push the Snooze button from 3 feet away, in about 1.7 seconds, eyes closed, first time every time...

Could not be any more true. Especially in my life. I am the queen of naps and I pride myself on being able to sleep just about anywhere, in any position. Plane, train, automobile, you name it. I also tend to sleep with my eyes a little bit open (just the freak out the roomies) and my mouth wiiiide open (just to annoy them with my mouth breathing). Hey, its not my fault. I have a deviated septum and have broken my nose on more than one occasion (it slants to the left side) so i can't breathe through only my nose. Hence, the fabulous mouth breathing.

Anyway, I've recently discovered that I hit the snooze about 1 second before it goes off. Am I psychic? Or psychotic? I looove sleeping and am very rude and cranky in the morning. Anything for those few extra minutes. I've even tried keeping my alarm away from my bed, forcing me to actually get up and walk across the room to turn it off. Fast forward: doesn't work. I taught myself how to sleep through it and again, annoyed the roomies.

I've always been this way. As long as I can remember, my older siblings would try to wake me up with promises of Saturday morning cartoons and coco puffs, but I honestly didn't care about "The Ashleys" on Recess or the family that adopted 47 children on One World (if you don't understand those references, please leave my blog immediately). I was probably late to school every day of my entire life and I never lived more than a few blocks away. On weekdays, my mom would wake me up and then leave my room to make breakfast or something else, equally as wonderful (my mom's great) and I would jump back into bed and fall back asleep. 30 minutes later, when I should have been completely dressed and ready to go, I would hear her call my name from the bottom of the staircase and ask if I was up. I would give a yell back down, "yeaaa." I thought a few more minutes couldn't hurt so my head hit the pillow once more. Then, the party was over. I would hear my mom's footsteps coming up the stairs and I knew my cover would be blow if I didn't hop out of bed as quickly as possible and run to the bathroom pretending to get ready. She couldn't see me still in my JAMMIES!!

It hasn't been until lately (because I never had an 8am my entire college career (personal accomplishment, if I do say so myself) and my 9ams just weren't that important) that I realize what an issue this is. Wakin' up is hard to do. This ain't my mom's house, this is as real as it gets. I'm going to have a real career. That means a job that I go to everyday, probably at the same time! Hard to imagine, I know, but focus with me here. How am I supposed to make myself get out of bed everyday when it is so warm under the covers but it is -7 degrees outside? That just isn't fair. Life's not fair. Not sure where I'm going with this, but here's my point (I think): I'm really good at hitting the snooze.

More list stuff later.

Sunday 23 January 2011

sure, i'd love to.

I've stumbled upon some hysterical lists on random thoughts that are so relevant. I first read some months ago while reading a sorority sister's blog and kept the list on a sticky note on my desktop. I remember cracking up at every thought, thinking about how relevant they were to my life. Since then, I've read them every so often and find longer, better, funnier (I'm making it a word) versions, so I'm going to post one every once and a while when they pertain to me. I haven't written any of my own (though i'm pretty sure I've thought them once or twice) and take no credit for the absolute genius of them.

My last post stated one of the thoughts: there is a great need for a sarcasm font.
This couldn't be more true. I can't tell you how many times I've texted/IMed/Facebook chatted something sarcastic and ended up hurting someone's feelings because they didn't understand the joke or my tone. So annoying! Not to mention the times I've tried to read into a text from boyfriend to see if "sure, i'd love to" means "suuuure I'd love to" (with an added eye roll) or "SURE! i'd love to". Talk about unnecessary confusion.

So, I'm calling all font designers: figure this one out for me! You'd be doing the future a favor because we all know that technology isn't going anywhere and people have to put on their big girl panties just to make an actual phone call!

Ahhh I have to work at 8am. I need to hit the hay.

nail polish.

My entire life, I've bitten my nails. I know, its disgusting and I've been recently informed that it can give you worms. So glad I'm living with a doctor-to-be. People who aren't nail biters just cannot understand. I am addicted and it is a problem. Trust me, I know that someone with their fingers in their mouth is probably one of the most unattractive things of all time (I've seen it- believe me), but it really is an addiction. I don't WANT stubby short nails that hurt.

As of lately, I've been growing them out. If i paint them constantly, I don't bite them and don't think about them as much. I went about three and a half weeks and was pretty proud of myself. They looked nice and I even treated myself with a new color.

Everything took a turn for the worst one day while mindlessly working at my uber-boring (hopefully temporary) job. I had no idea that I was doing it, but randomly, I notice half of my nails are bitten off. GREAAAAAAAT! (there is a great need for a sarcasm font) I probably have specks of nail polish in my teeth (disgusting). I think to myself: "How could I have just bitten all those nails without even noticing?"

Here comes the really tricky part. How do I NOT bite the rest of the nails I didn't get to before I realized I was being a crazy, self-destructive nail biter? There is no answer to this. Those three and a half weeks were my rehab time and now i've had a little bit of this drug i'm so addicted to and I must have more. There is literally no stopping this.

The rest of my nails are gone. Tonight I gave myself a new little mani and I've begun to start the rehab process all over again. I guess i'm destined to have constantly painted nails for the rest of my life and I think I'm okay with that.

Any other nail biters out there? What do you do to kick the habbit? I've tried almost every trick in the book, but I'm willing to hear some suggestions.

Now, I have out aside some cash and when my nails are long enough, I'll treat myself to a real manicure at a solon. Oh gosh, it has been forever and I deserve to be pampered!

I'll keep you updated

Wednesday 12 January 2011

walk walk fashion, baby.

Generally, I only follow a few blogs, but lately, it’s become an obsession. Specifically, I stare in awe at The Sartorialist. If you haven’t looked lately, get your head out of your butt and click here: ( The photos are always striking and I love the fact that most are of strangers on the street.

I’ve been thinking about my hair a lot lately. I wonder if now is the right time to do something drastic. I constantly think about how rad it would be to chop it all off, but anyone who knows me knows that I have literally cried after every clip job I’ve even received. I say 2 inches and they cut 6. I’ve been through it all. I love long, flowy, hippie like hair and wish I could pull it off with the natural grace of these women:

but I can’t because I have thin, straight, stringy hair and can’t afford a weave now (or probably ever).

On the other hand however, I’ve recently become fascinated by women who have the balls to get a little pixie. I know it’s been “trendy” as of lately in young Hollywood- a la Natalie Portman, Emma Watson, Michelle Williams etc, but it never really made me turn my head until a friend and former London roommate did it spontaneously over the Thanksgiving holiday. It completely changed her look and brought out her facial features.

I HAVE to wonder: could I pull it off? Probably not. I have a long face and I’m pretty sure I’d look like a boy. I wish I could try it anyway, just to see. Maybe a blunt bang? I’ve always thought about that too.

The third look that i've always been jealous of is natural red hair. I've always felt a little jipped by my genes. I am Irish after all! I wish there was a way to get this whimsical look from a bottle, but in my opinion, fake red heads are no comparison to the real thing. See for yourself:

To be totally honest, I’m going to keep my current style and probably grow it out again, only to get a slight cut and cry. Not sure who I’m trying to kid...

Oh well, I can always dream.

the clanking of crystal.

So this is the New Year... and I don't feel any different.

Just kidding! I'm a big kid now! Not sure exactly how I thought my graduation day would feel, but I can tell you that I was under whelmed by the moment I turned my tassel. With no job and no real prospects in my immediate future, I don't feel I have much to look forward to. Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm broke as a joke and need to get my shit together (pardon my French).

On the upside, I looked so cute in my cap and gown!

I am trying, I promise. I want a job very badly. Currently, I'm working at my alma mater’s bookstore as –get this- a GREETER. For $8 an hour, I stand and greet students, faculty and community members good day and adieu. It isn’t glamorous, but hopefully I’ll be able to pay the bills. If not, it’s back to the Chi for this little graduate. Not having a car in Columbia makes it very hard to get a job here. Trust me- I applied everywhere all of last semester with no luck at all.

I’ve been constantly trying to update my resume and my website (which I’m still not really happy with). I want to put my best foot forward for all my potential future employers but I feel a little jilted right now. I’m not feeling particularly inspired to do any of my own work and that’s just no good.

Now that I’m back in Columbia, I’m hoping to just have a little “down /me-time” to get it done. Most of my friends are entering their final semester and I can’t lie and say I’m not jealous of them. As much as I do want to enter the work force and start the next chapter in my life –I’m hitting myself right now for that cliché- I really question whether I’m mentally ready to leave the Como bubble.

I wonder if I’m giving up the most important things in my life to hang out in my college town with my friends.
-– Here come my 2011 resolutions:

1.) GET A JOB: It doesn’t have to be “my dream job” but I wouldn’t be opposed to it. Just something that I’m happy with and can see myself having fun in for a while. Ideally, said job would have benefits because I haven’t been to the dentist in quite some time…
2.) Be a better friend/ girlfriend: If and when I move out of the college bubble, I need to make sure that I’m in constant contact with my sassies and not just talk to them through facebook. With that, while I’m still in Columbia, I need to be a better gf and an equal partner in our relationship.
3.) Write AND SEND cards: I stole this one from a real and pretend sissy, but it is a tough one. I like getting cards so I need to keep up on sending them. I always think about it but actually getting it done is a different story.
4.) Be a good mom: I love my little baby boy (Bear- the dog) and I’m a super proud momma, but I haven’t been pulling my weight in that department either. So I need to be an active participant in the little bub’s life. Also, the next large purchase I make MUST be getting his little cojones chopped off.
5.) Update more often: That one is pretty clear.

That seems to be it for right now but I’m sure I’ll be back soon.