Sunday 13 February 2011

oh... you're right.

Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong.

If you know me at all, you know I’m a weirdo. I like random, unusual facts that I can spew out at a moments notice during conversation. (I even follow OMGFacts on Twitter) Interestingly enough, I remember most things I read and the fact that I can talk about pretty much anything and throw a random fact in makes me happy. Because of this strange skill, many people come to me with bizarre questions and problems, wondering if I know anything that could help lead them to an answer. Usually, I’m pretty on point, if I do say so myself. The issue is this, when I don’t know the answer, sometimes I MAKE IT UP!

Why? I have no idea. I don’t even plan it. It just comes out of my mouth like word vomit. Sometimes I even throw in some fake statistics to make it sound real. If a friend calls my bluff we usually argue about it and how I claim to have “read it somewhere”. The worst part of any moment like this is when they realize I’m wrong about something and they PROVE IT. It is a total ego killer.

I hate being wrong and I will fight to the death about anything I actually believe to be true, but WHY do I feel the need to try to make a case for my side when even I know its wrong?

You know what I hate even more then being wrong? When other people REFUSE to let me be right! It makes me want to pull my hair out. Everyone likes to be right, but now and again, you have to admit defeat.

Sometimes you’re wrong and you have to deal with it. Does anyone know how to do it effectively? Sometimes I mope about it, but that is so gross and petty.

I need professional help.

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