Thursday 22 September 2011

Whoa whoa whoa, Miss Lippy.

I haven't blogged on here since March. Not okay. The reason it is not okay is because I read about 7 other blogs a day and constantly think about this one. Something I've become obsessed with lately is Basically people just pin (post) pictures or things that make them happy. It is a huge vision board. There are a bunch of different categories ranging from food and recipes to home decor/DIY projects and photography. Honestly, I could look at it for hours and sometimes I do. It makes me happy and I'm happy to re-pin (repost) the things I find especially cool. The best part is that more often than not you can click on the posts and it will take you to the website or wherever that particular pin came from. I've saved about 300 new things to my bookmarks.

One thing I've seen a few times on Pintrest is a photos of the most beautiful YSL rings like these:

Stunning right? I mean, I need these. I have to have them. They are so unique and intricate and cool and special. I would never be able to afford one for each finger like the girl pictured above, but one is enough to make a statement. And we all know I'm all for making statements.


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